English Blogs

Where is the Expanded BRICS Heading?
English Blogs · 13. Juni 2024
In late May 2024, the Swiss Institute for Global Affairs (SIGA) attended the BRICS Academic Forum in the Russian capital Moscow to better understand where BRICS is heading and what geopolitical impact this might have.

The Troubles With Designating «Foreign Agents»
English Blogs · 14. Mai 2024
Ongoing large protests against a law proposal in Georgia that, depending on which side you ask, is aimed at defending Georgia from undue influence of foreign agents or undermining democracy and stifling dissent, are shining a spotlight on how the issue of alleged foreign agents has become contentious not only in Georgia but in various countries.

South Caucasus: Between Old Conflicts and Uncertain Future
English Blogs · 24. April 2024
The South Caucasus, a small region between the Black and the Caspian Seas, between Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and the Middle East, continues to be haunted by conflicts that date back to the Soviet era but also stands in front of new perspectives to orientate itself more towards Europe.

Ochamchire Port: Geopolitical Powder Keg in the Black Sea or Much Ado About Nothing?
English Blogs · 14. März 2024
Since autumn 2023, there have been claims that a port in Ochamchire, a district in Abkhazia on the eastern shore of the Black Sea, will become a new hub for the Russian Black Sea Fleet and that this could extend the bloody war in Ukraine to the Caucasus. However, recent satellite and drone imagery of the port in Ochamchire obtained by SIGA shows that, so far, nothing of relevance has happened there

EXCLUSIVE: Uncertain Efforts to Broker Peace Between Tajikistani Jihadist Group in Afghani-stan and Tajik Government
English Blogs · 21. Februar 2024
As SIGA can exclusively reveal, the Afghan Taliban have, in separate secret meetings with Tajik officials and the jihadist group Ansorullah Tajikistan in Afghanistan, been attempting to broker peace negotiations between these two sides. Such efforts prove to be fraught with difficulties though and their outcome remains uncertain, if not outright doubtful - meaning that worries about foreign jihadists in Afghanistan will remain a geopolitically hot topic.

Georgia — Between EU Candidacy and Coup Allegations
English Blogs · 01. November 2023
While the European Union is set to decide again on whether to grant Georgia the status of a EU membership candidate, ongoing political controversies in the small Caucasus republic — including government allegations that opposition forces plan to overthrow the elected government in a coup and opposition claims of a pro-Russian government undermining Georgia’s democracy and Western aspirations — loom large over this coming EU decision. And Georgia’s future.

Life under the Taliban
English Blogs · 25. Juli 2023
Since almost two years, Afghanistan is governed by the Taliban. Reports about their Islamist rule are often on polarising ends. Many draw the picture of a terror regime, under which everybody is threaten with death and no normal life is possible. The Taliban are rejecting this and pride themselves to have brought peace and quiet to the warn-torn country at the Hindu Kush, which is confirmed by some others. The truth lies somewhere in between.

Afghanistan’s Lithium Riches — More Mirage Than Windfall
English Blogs · 13. April 2023
Recent reports on lithium mining in Afghanistan led to claims that there will be a lithium rush in Afghanistan with significant consequences for the world-wide supply chain of the rare metal ever more sought after for its use in batteries. However, a closer look by the Swiss Institute for Global Affairs (SIGA) raises serious doubts about such prospects, amongst others as there are manifold hurdles that qualify, if not question, the economical viability of lithium extraction from Afghan rocks.

Exclusive Interview with Taliban Chief of Army Staff on Status and Mission of Taliban Army
English Blogs · 29. Januar 2023
On 12th of January 2023, the Swiss Institute for Global Affairs (SIGA) sat down with Qari Fasihuddin Fetrat, the Chief of Army Staff of the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, to talk with him about the status of the Taliban Army. This marked the first extensive interview given by the Chief of Army Staff of the Islamist group in which he provided exclusive insights into the Taliban Army.

The Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan’s Cross-Border Activities
English Blogs · 03. Oktober 2022
While efforts for peace between the Pakistani government and the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have resulted in an — albeit uneasy — ceasefire, TTP members continue cross-border activities, namely propaganda and proselytising, from their refuges in Afghanistan. And the Pakistani border fence as well as restrictions imposed by the Afghan Taliban have only a limited impact on this, as exclusive information obtained by the Swiss Institute for Global Affairs (SIGA) shows.

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